The story of Cino Mularoni in New York  - Ceramica del Conca

The story of Cino Mularoni in New York

Many participants, including many young people, at the 85th celebration of the San Marino Brotherhood in New York. The evening was attended by the Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino, Luca Boschi and Mariella Mularoni, who reiterated the importance of maintaining strong ties between those who decided to leave but carry the destiny of the San Marino people in their hearts. There are 600 members of the Brotherhood whose president, Sanzio Vagnini, has indicated in the cultural exchanges between young people the way to trace the future of a long-lived and cohesive community. Also present was the Secretary of State for Justice and the Family, Massimo Andrea Ugolini, who recalled the importance of proximity beyond the geographical position. On the occasion of the celebration, Sergio Barducci's book "A life full of future" was presented, also translated into English under the title "A life full of promise", promoted by the Cino Mularoni Foundation. The ceremony was attended by Stefania Leardini, president of the Foundation and Marco, Paolo and Davide Mularoni, grandchildren of Cino Mularoni.


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