Orphans' Home, Medan 2008  - Ceramica del Conca
Orphans' Home, Medan 2008  - Ceramica del Conca

Orphans' Home, Medan 2008

This project consists in the construction of a Day-care Centre for children left orphaned by the Tsunami that struck Indonesia in 2004. The major earthquake, and the subsequent tidal wave, caused about 300.000 human casualties – a third of which were children – and millions of homeless. The Centre offers after-school activities, a canteen and showers. Today, a hundred children can benefit from the facilities of the Tsunami Orphans' Home, to enjoy a hot meal, do their homework, and get involved in recreational-educational activities. Over sixty of them also attend the Centre’s Kindergarten. These kids come from to the poorest families in the area, who otherwise would be unable to look after them. After lunch and having finished their homework, the children can play and have a shower before returning to their families. Occasionally, the kids are taken to the zoo, the swimming pool, the park, and great importance is given to the celebration of their birthday, by means of a monthly joint party. The Centre also offers a Medical Service, with Korean doctors travelling from Singapore. Thanks to the Tsunami Orphans' Home these children can become educated, polite and dignified citizens, while being able to embrace a religion of their choice. This was a two-year project: the facility was built and opened in 2008, while the following year the Centre was equipped with furniture, an outdoor area, a new well and a School Bus. The project was completed in collaboration with “Carità senza Confini” (“Charity without Boundaries”), financed with resources originally budgeted for purchasing Christmas Presents for Del Conca Group employees. The children are looked after by the Missionary Sisters of the “Assisi Solidale Onlus”.

Orphans' Home, Medan 2008 MEDAN%202008 - Ceramica del Conca
Orphans' Home, Medan 2008 MEDAN%202009-1 - Ceramica del Conca
Orphans' Home, Medan 2008 SDC12028 - Ceramica del Conca
Orphans' Home, Medan 2008 DSC00116 - Ceramica del Conca
Orphans' Home, Medan 2008 Immagine2 - Ceramica del Conca
Orphans' Home, Medan 2008 cucina - Ceramica del Conca
Orphans' Home, Medan 2008 bimbi%20medan - Ceramica del Conca
Orphans' Home, Medan 2008 SDC12566 - Ceramica del Conca
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